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December 27, 2023

Unlocking Business Efficiency: Understanding the Multiple Overhead Recovery System (MORS) for Your Lawn Care Business


The Need for Effective Cost Management in Lawn Care Businesses

Running a successful lawn care business is no easy task. Beyond providing top-quality services, maintaining equipment, and managing staff, you need to keep a close eye on your costs to ensure profitability. Understanding your costs in depth can help you make more informed decisions about pricing your services, managing your resources, and ultimately growing your business.

What is the Multiple Overhead Recovery System (MORS)? An Overview

Multiple Overhead Recovery System (MORS) is a cost accounting method designed to provide a more accurate way to allocate overhead costs. By breaking down overheads into multiple categories, MORS allows you to better understand your costs and more accurately price your services, leading to increased profitability and growth.

Understanding the Basics of MORS

The Core Components of MORS: Direct Costs, Indirect Costs, and Overhead Costs

MORS separates costs into three main categories: direct costs, indirect costs, and overhead costs. Direct costs are those directly tied to a job, such as labor and materials. Indirect costs, like equipment depreciation or repair, are not tied to one specific job but are crucial to business operation. Overhead costs include rent, utilities, and other costs that keep your business running. MORS allocates these costs in a way that reflects the true cost of providing your services.

How MORS Differs from Traditional Overhead Allocation Systems

Traditional overhead allocation methods often group all overhead costs together and spread them equally across all jobs. This can lead to inaccurate costing, with some jobs appearing more profitable than they actually are. In contrast, MORS divides overheads into distinct categories, allocating them based on the specific demands of each job, providing a more accurate picture of job profitability.

Benefits of Using MORS in Your Business

Improved Accuracy in Costing: Making More Informed Business Decisions

The Multiple Overhead Recovery System (MORS) provides a detailed and accurate picture of your job costs. By breaking down overhead costs and assigning them to jobs based on resource usage, MORS ensures you have a realistic understanding of your costs. This accuracy is crucial for strategic decision-making, from identifying the most and least profitable jobs, to understanding where cost savings can be made, and how to price your services correctly.

Increased Pricing Flexibility: Tailoring Your Services to Your Customers’ Needs

A key advantage of MORS is the flexibility it provides in pricing your services. Traditional cost allocation methods, which spread overhead costs equally across all jobs, often result in pricing that doesn’t reflect the true cost of each job. MORS, on the other hand, allows you to price jobs based on the actual resources they consume. This means you can offer more competitive prices for simpler jobs, while ensuring you’re adequately compensated for more complex, resource-intensive jobs. Such flexibility can help you cater to a wider range of customer needs and budget requirements, enhancing customer satisfaction and loyalty.

Enhanced Financial Stability: Understanding Your Business’s True Profitability

By providing a more accurate representation of job costs, MORS helps you understand the true profitability of your business. Many businesses, especially in the early stages, struggle with financial stability. This often stems from not fully understanding their costs and, consequently, underpricing their services. MORS helps prevent this by ensuring all costs — including often-overlooked overheads — are accounted for when pricing services. This leads to more accurate profit calculations, helping you ensure your business is financially sustainable.

More Strategic Resource Allocation

By showing you the true cost of different types of jobs, MORS can guide your resource allocation decisions. For example, if you find that certain types of jobs consume a lot of resources but don’t bring in proportionate revenue, you might choose to focus more on other, more profitable services. Or, you might decide to invest in more efficient equipment or processes to reduce the resource consumption of those less profitable jobs. Either way, MORS helps you make these decisions based on solid data, rather than guesswork.

Competitive Advantage in the Market

With the accurate costing and flexible pricing enabled by MORS, your lawn care business can gain a competitive advantage. By pricing your services correctly, you can ensure profitability while also offering competitive prices to your customers. Moreover, the insights gained from MORS can help you identify and capitalize on profitable niche services that your competitors might be overlooking.

In conclusion, implementing MORS in your lawn care business can lead to numerous benefits, from improved decision-making and financial stability to competitive advantage and business growth. By leveraging the power of MORS, you can gain greater control over your business finances and steer your business towards greater success.

Implementing MORS in Your Lawn Care Business: Detailed Examples

Example 1: Simple Job - Lawn Mowing

Consider a simple lawn mowing job that takes one crew member two hours to complete. Let’s break down the costs:

Direct Costs:

  • Labor: One crew member at $20 per hour for 2 hours = $40
  • Equipment Usage: Lawn mower fuel and maintenance, estimated at $5 for the job

Indirect Costs:

  • Equipment Depreciation: Let’s assume your lawn mower depreciates $10 for every job

Overhead Costs:

Overheads might include rent, utilities, office staff salaries, insurance, and advertising. Let’s say you’ve calculated that these overhead costs add up to $500 per day, and your team generally completes about 10 jobs per day.

Using MORS, you would allocate a share of the overheads based on the resources consumed by each job. In this case, the job took 1 out of a total of 20 crew hours for the day (assuming each crew member works an 8-hour day). That’s 1/20, or 5%, of the total crew hours.

So, you would allocate 5% of the $500 daily overheads to this job, which is $25.

Adding up all these costs, the total cost for this job is $40 (labor) + $5 (equipment usage) + $10 (equipment depreciation) + $25 (overhead) = $80.

Pricing the Service:

Now, you have a clear understanding of your costs for this simple lawn mowing job. To price your service, you will want to ensure you’re covering your costs and also making a profit.

Suppose you want to achieve a profit margin of 20% on each job. Your service price should then be the total cost divided by (1 - desired profit margin), which equals $80 / (1 - 0.20) = $100. This ensures you’ll achieve a profit of $20 on the job, which is 20% of the $100 service price.

Example 2: Complex Job - Landscaping Project

Now, let’s consider a more complex landscaping job that takes three crew members a full day (8 hours) to complete.

Direct Costs

  • Labor: Three crew members at $20 per hour for 8 hours = $480
  • Equipment Usage: Various equipment (e.g., mowers, trimmers, diggers), estimated at $50 for the job

Indirect Costs

  • Equipment Depreciation: Let’s assume your equipment depreciates $30 for this job due to more extensive use.

Overhead Costs:

Using the same daily overheads of $500, and considering that this job used 24 out of a total of 20 crew hours (because it used three crew members for a full 8-hour day), this job consumed 24/20 or 120% of the total crew hours.

However, it wouldn’t be practical or fair to allocate more than 100% of overhead costs to a single job, so we will allocate all $500 overhead to this job.

Adding up all these costs, the total cost for this job is $480 (labor) + $50 (equipment usage) + $30 (equipment depreciation) + $500 (overhead) = $1060.

Pricing the Service

Using the same approach as in the first example, you’ll want to price this service to achieve a desired profit margin.

If we still aim for a 20% profit margin, the service price would be $1060 / (1 - 0.20)

= $1325. This price ensures a profit of $265 on the job, which is 20% of the $1325 service price.

These examples illustrate how MORS not only provides a more accurate understanding of job costs, but also guides pricing to achieve desired profit margins. This ensures both competitiveness and profitability for your lawn care business.

Leveraging Software for MORS Implementation and Service Pricing

Implementing the Multiple Overhead Recovery System (MORS) manually can be complex and time-consuming, especially for small business owners who already wear many hats. However, utilizing specialized software can simplify this process dramatically and provide numerous additional benefits.

Dynamic Pricing Models: With the accurate cost information provided by MORS, the software can help you price your services more effectively. It can suggest pricing based on your cost data and desired profit margins. This gives you the flexibility to adjust your pricing to market conditions, customer expectations, and the specifics of each job.

Real-Time Reporting: Software solutions often come with real-time reporting features. These allow you to view and analyze your costs, revenues, and profitability on a job-by-job basis in real-time. This can provide valuable insights for decision-making, helping you identify more and less profitable types of jobs, adjust your service offerings, and manage your resources more effectively.

Scalability: As your business grows, the demands of MORS can become more complex. More jobs, more costs, and more overheads can be challenging to manage manually. Software solutions can easily scale with your business, handling increasing complexity without extra work on your part.

Integration with Other Business Functions: Many software solutions offer integration with other aspects of your business, like scheduling, invoicing, and customer relationship management. This can further streamline your operations, reducing administrative workload and ensuring that all aspects of your business are working together efficiently.

By leveraging the power of software, lawn care business owners can implement MORS and price their services accurately and effectively, leading to increased profitability and business growth.


Embracing MORS: A Strategic Move towards Greater Profitability and Stability

MORS is more than just a cost accounting method; it’s a strategic tool that can drive profitability and stability in your lawn care business. With the right understanding and tools, implementing MORS can be a game-changer for your business.

Taking the Next Steps: Resources and Tools to Get You Started with MORS

We offer comprehensive software solutions designed to make implementing MORS in your business as simple as possible. Our system offers a user-friendly interface, step-by-step guidance, and dedicated customer support to ensure your transition to MORS is seamless.

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